Resources |
E Magazine
A great resource for environmental news on many topics. E MagazinePesticides, Lawn Care and toxic exposures
For information on safe lawn care and non-toxic alternatives and a list of organic landscapers in your area, go to: Grassroots Info
For information on the myths of plastics recycling, go to: Ecology Center
Are Personal Care Products/Cosmetics Safe?The Environmental Working Group did a safety assessment of ingredients in personal care products.
They found that 89% of ingredients have not been evaluated for safety. One third of ingredients in cosmetics contain one or more substances that are
classified as possible human carcinogens. Over one half of the products they looked at contain “penetration enhancers” that increase a product’s penetration
through the skin into the bloodstream. The website includes an online database to research specific products. Take a look at www.ewg.org/reports/skindeep
Interestingly, personal care products are turning up in water supplies. For example, the Suffolk Water Authority has been testing for them in wells near sewage
treatment facilities that discharge into the ground--and is finding them!
GreenLine Paper Company
Looking for recycled paper, office or school supplies? Try these folks! (We have.) Phone: 800-641-1117
Floatron: a chlorine-free pool filter
This solar powered pool filter uses mineral ions to kill algae. Sold by Real Goods. Phone: 800-762-7325
Real Goods
For more information about chlorine, contact Greenpeace USA Greenpeace
And on Long Island...
Long Island Solar Roofs Initiative
If you're looking for information on solar energy, start with: LIPA's Solar Web Site
Women's Business Clothing Wanted!
Several Long Island organizations collect wearable used women's business clothing for women just entering the work force.
In the Town of Huntington, call Confidence Closet: 631-262-0791.
In the Town of Brookhaven, call the Office of Women's Services Dress for Success program: 631-451-9127.
Food and Eating Habits
For information on food choices and environmental impacts, go to: Healthy Planet