Wyandanch is a small (about 4.5 square mile) unincorporated part of the Town of Babylon in western Suffolk County as well as a Census Designated Place. Our aim is to help make Wyandanch a better place to live. Some of our current activities in Wyandanch will become part of this project.
Wyandanch es una parte no incorporada pequeña (aproximadamente 4.5 millas cuadradas) de la ciudad de Babylon en el oeste del condado de Suffolk, así como un lugar designado por el censo. Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a hacer de Wyandanch un mejor lugar para vivir. Algunas de nuestras actividades actuales en Wyandanch formarán parte de este proyecto.
Want to help us with composting? We can use your food waste and leaves. More info: Compost Information Planeteers Our Friday afternoon group will be a Planeteer Club. One of their campaigns will be to get our scholars using refillable water bottles and the refill stations in our school buildings. We are seeking funding to get them stainless steel bottles. See why... Refill Wyandanch Essay Contest Our Planeteers and Earth Rangers are sponsoring an essay contest for 3rd - 12th graders who live in the Wyandanch School District. Click here to learn more! |
The Earth Rangers still have some insulated water bottles (from EcoVessel) left for $25 as a fundraiser. Los Earth Rangers todavía tienen algunas botellas de agua aisladas (de EcoVessel) por $ 25 como recaudación de fondos. |
We may periodically send out emails to let you know about upcoming events, ideas, and what we're up to. You can sign up right here. Es posible que periódicamente enviemos correos electrónicos para informarle sobre los próximos eventos, ideas y lo que estamos haciendo. Puedes registrarte aquí mismo. Look for these banners around Wyandanch They came from an Earth Rangers final project |