
Pesticides, Lawn Care and toxic exposures

One of our best sources of information on all sorts of toxic exposures, from asthma triggers to vehicle exhaust, pesticides, and all sorts of chemical exposures: Grassroots Environmental Education

For products certified safe for you and your family: Made Safe

For information on plastics...

The Ecology Center in California has some great information on the problems with plastics: The Problems With Plastics
Another of their pages addresses some misconceptions about plastics: Misconceptions About Plastics
Check out Beth Terry's blog and book My Plastic Free Life
Great stuff for living without plastics can be found at:

And don't forget to check out the Plastic Pollution Coalition
Thinking of joining us to give up plastic straws? Here are a few things to check out: One Less Straw, Strawless Ocean, and to get glass straws: Simply Straws
Here's an app to help with toxic free living: Detox Me

Healthy Babies and Children

Mama Glow is New York’s premiere maternity lifestyle brand committed to supporting women along the childbearing continuum.
A Healthy Pregnancy Guide: Healthy Pregnancy Guide
The Healthy Baby Guide to finding safe options: The Healthy Baby Guide

Are Personal Care Products/Cosmetics Safe?

The Environmental Working Group did a safety assessment of ingredients in personal care products. They found that 89% of ingredients have not been evaluated for safety. One third of ingredients in cosmetics contain one or more substances that are classified as possible human carcinogens. Over one half of the products they looked at contain “penetration enhancers” that increase a product’s penetration through the skin into the bloodstream. The website includes an online database to research specific products. Take a look: Skin Deep Cosmetics Database

Interestingly, personal care products are turning up in water supplies. For example, the Suffolk Water Authority has been testing for them in wells near sewage treatment facilities that discharge into the ground--and is finding them!

Looking for recycled paper, office, home or school supplies? Try these folks! (We have.)

GreenLine Paper Company
Greener Country 468X60
and here's a blog zero waste school supplies
Here's where to get the SAME safe cleaning supplies being used in our schools:

Want to pay less to heat your home?

Get a FREE energy audit.

The Long Island Green Homes Initiative is a partnership of Long Island Towns, not-for-profit community-based organizations and Molloy College that is helping Long Islanders improve the energy efficiency of their homes.

Food and Eating Habits

For information on food choices and environmental impacts, go to: Healthy Planet