10 & 11 year olds (4th grade in the spring or 5th grade)
Three full days at our Earthkeepers Training Centre for schools
Five days at our Earthkeepers Training Centre in the summer (includes an 'Earth Exploring' day 2014)
Helps learners gain some basic ecological understandings, appreciate, and care for the natural world
An internationally known program being run at numerous sites around the world

We think Earthkeepers is one of the most exciting environmental learning experiences in the
world. Students come to our Earthkeepers Training Centre for 3 consecutive full days
(or 5 days in the summer)
where they will visit Mama Nature's Munch Room, meet a "spec," and dig up a
buried time capsule. They are rewarded for their tasks with special keys
which open real locks on boxes that contain secret meanings about the true
nature of E.M. The mysterious E.M. (pronounced "em") is the keeper of the
keys, an unseen character who loves to share the marvels and mysteries of
the natural world with others in special ways. The program and the excitement
aren't over after this initial component; students must complete their training and earn
their final keys back at home and school. As Earthkeepers, students will
understand how life functions ecologically and know that they are both a
part of our environmental problems and their solutions. Earthkeepers was
designed by The Institute for Earth Education.
Starflower Experiences runs one of the few Accredited Earthkeepers sites in the world! In addition
to this first level, we will offer Earthkeepers Level II training and we've had several youngsters
go on to Level III training at an Earthkeepers Training Centre in western Pennsylvania.
Earthkeepers and Apprentice Earthkeepers are invited to join us for Earth Explorers and Exploring Adventures
during the year.
In December 2012, Sweet Hollow Hall in West Hills County Park burned down. This was our Earthkeepers Training Centre since 1992! We made
temporary arrangements to run this program at Manor Farm in 2013, but we will need help to move toward a permanent solution.
Sharing a 'whiff'
Earthkeepers '14
Using a Munch Tray

Recording the Song of Summer

Crossing paths with a Box Turtle following E.M.'s Diary
Summer 2016
Earthkeepers Level I: July 5-8
9:00 am - 3:00 pm, $200
Earth Explorers July 11-15
9:00 am - 3:00 pm, $275
both weeks, $450
The 2016 registration flyer is available here. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat reader to access this file.
It will appear on your screen and you can save or print it. 2016 Earthkeepers Registration Flyer
For further information or to have a registration flyer snail mailed to you, please email us at info@starflowerexperiences.org or phone us at 516-938-6152.
Earthkeepers Level II
Getting inside a 'food factory'

Holding a funeral for a leaf

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