In 1998 residents of the Town of Huntington approved an Open Space Referendum to enable the Town to purchase some of the
dwindling open space remaining in the Town. Manor Farm, purchased in March of 2000, was the first acquisition under
this program.
Manor Farm is 5.1 acres along Manor Road, just north of Jericho Turnpike. Berkeley Jackson County Park is along its south and
eastern sides; additional Town parkland comprises the northern border.
We have entered into a license agreement with the Town of Huntington for this site. Our dream is that this will be a model ecologically-sound program and living site. We know it will take time (and money!) to achieve our dream.

We dream of:
a state-of-the-art environmentally- sound education center designed
with all the best that is known about green architecture—ways to use less toxic materials, and to make it a model of energy and water efficiency. (see the LEED green building rating system: U.S. Green Building Council)
a home in a local community where we can develop ongoing relationships with local groups.
ecological restoration of parklands (as well as modeling landscaping with native species).
year-round programs and events serving a variety of groups and audiences.
lots of local support to make our dream a reality.
Earth Rangers and friends welcome you to Manor Farm
Several Boy Scouts have done their Eagle projects at Manor Farm. From Troop 170, Justin worked on a new foundation for the Summer Kitchen and Chris restored the grape arbor. Forrest from Troop 174 marked the trail in Manor Road Park and installed an entry at Vose Place.
We'll be working with scouts, local students, community service volunteers,
and you, if you have time to help out! We want to craft a unique site that will serve as both an education center for us and as
a trail head for those who want to enjoy the surrounding parklands. Staff living onsite will provide security. Please join us--share our dream!
Help Make Our Dream Real!
We'll be embarking on a major capital campaign for the funds needed to develop this site. Donations to our Manor Farm fund are tax-deductible. Please make checks payable to Starflower Experiences Manor Farm Fund and send to: Starflower Experiences, 13 Birch St, Wyandanch NY 11798.
Give us a call if you can help with physical labor or with raising funds. We'll need lots of help to see our dream come true.
Check our Events page for any upcoming work days at Manor Farm.
What's happening around Manor Farm
We have a Community Yard Sale twice a year, a fall Harvest Festival, an Egg Hunt, Halloween Haunted Trails, and several other events during the year. For information on these events see our home page or call Elisa at 631-213-1927.
We need constant help to keep trails trimmed and passable. Scouts, teens, and other volunteers helped build us a couple garden beds, painted the fence, put the garden to bed for the winter, and clean up around Manor Farm. We are the park stewards for the adjoining Berkeley Jackson County park and are interested in starting some projects in there. Let us know if you have a group that would like to put in some community service time.
To reach us, e-mail us at: StarflExp@aol.com or phone us at 516-938-6152.
Back to our home page or experiences for kids.
Painting the fence, summer 2010
Want to help us keep an eye on Berkeley Jackson County Park?